Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015


IMAGINE that you are in the computer lab, telling a friend about your new Web design for you homepage. As you speak, you watch her reactions closely to determine whether she is really interested, whether she is entertained by your stories or impressed by descriptions of your animated graphics.  Although you seem to be doing most of the talking, it is apparent that you are doing quite a bit of "listening" as well. You listen to determine her attitude toward technology and her knowledge of Web design and to judge how she feels about the fact, that while she holds an after school job, you are spending hours each evening on line.

In conclusion: you are listening while you were talking.

Listening isn't a function that communicators turn ON and OFF at will, but an integral part of a larger process, or system in which you strive to share meanings with your friends.  This process will applied at it best in interpersonal, face - to - face situation!!  It is very important to remember that the MOST effective communicators listen effectively as they speak and adapt their behaviors to their perceptions of how the communication event is changing. == semua proses ini (percepting, adapting, listening while talking) tidak akan diperoleh ketika dua orang saling berkomunikasi via text message atau bahkan telepon sekalipun (perhatikan contoh pada paragraf pertama diatas).   Proses yang terjadi ketika dua orang - saling tatap muka/face to face - berbicara dan mendengar secara aktif disebut dengan Relational Approach.

The notion of "meaning" is CENTRAL  to relational listening. Imagine being in a room where everyone is talking, but you can't hear anything that is being said.  How would you know what to say? How would you "fit into" the conversation? Unless you first HEAR what is being said in a situation, you have no way to align your thoughts with your parnter's.

Shared meaning may be cultural as well as personal. Imagine that you enter your political class, your friend whisper quietly: "Get out those toothpicks." What common understandings is she assuming in order for you to assign a meaning similar to what she intends? First, you have to know that she is referring to the imagery of using toothpicks to hold up your eyelids (makslum kuliah kan bikin ngantuk). This is a cultural expression: she is assuming that you share an understanding of the phrase generally. The she further assumes that you think as she does, and find professor Jones is boring.

The process of predicting how another person will respond to a given idea or event has been called "defining a situation." IF you can accurately define the situation, your behavior is more likely to be appropriate because you have figured out how the other person expects you to respond.

As you can see, the more effective your listening - the more you pay attention to the other person - the more likely you are to reach your goal of shared meanings. Those who don't listen well, who discount perceptual differences, or who ignores important verbal and non verbal cues cannot effectively "coordinate" their actions - alias tidak bisa menempatkan diri.

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Source:  Brownell, J.  LISTENING. 2006. Pearson. New York

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